Shiftkey Academy Up


ShiftKey Academy Up is our upskilling and reskilling hub, which is generously supported by our partners at Cognizant. Our aim is to train students and non-students who are un- or under-employed in technical fields in high demand by industry partners. With this goal in mind, ShiftKey Academy Up will offer programming related to Web and App Development, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Generative AI, UI/UX and Game Design.

ShiftKey Academy Up is our upskilling and reskilling hub, which is generously supported by our partners at Cognizant. Our aim is to train students and non-students who are un- or under-employed in technical fields in high demand by industry partners. With this goal in mind, ShiftKey Academy Up will offer programming related to Web and App Development, Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Generative AI, UI/UX and Game Design.

Focused Themes

Each hackathon has a specific theme or challenge, providing a clear direction for participants and ensuring that their efforts are aligned with addressing real-world needs.

Diverse Teams

Hackathons encourage the formation of diverse teams, bringing together individuals with different backgrounds, skills, and perspectives, leading to more comprehensive and innovative solutions.

Mentorship and Support

Experienced mentors and industry experts provide guidance and support to participants throughout the hackathon, offering valuable insights and assistance in overcoming technical challenges.

Networking Opportunities

Hackathons provide a platform for participants to network with fellow innovators, potential employers, and industry partners, expanding their professional connections and potential opportunities.

Benefits of Participating in ShiftKey Hackathons

Skill Development

 Participants gain hands-on experience in applying their skills to real-world problems, enhancing their technical expertise and problem-solving abilities.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

 Hackathons foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, encouraging participants to think creatively and develop new solutions to address challenges.

Collaboration and Networking

Participants learn to work effectively in diverse teams and expand their professional network, building valuable connections for future endeavors.

Potential Recognition and Awards

Winning teams or individuals may receive recognition and awards, providing validation for their efforts and enhancing their professional reputation.

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