Tech Innovation Bootcamp


The Technology Innovation Bootcamp is an immersive week-long event designed to bridge the gap between academic learning and real-world application. This exclusive bootcamp organized by ShiftKey Labs, Dal Innovates, and the SMU Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre enables students to develop their entrepreneurial, business, and technical mindsets through hands-on experience. As a reward, every participant gets a participation prize of $50 while getting valuable experience working with real startups.

Registrations are limited to maximum 120 participants!!



Participants are assigned different roles and responsibilities based on their interests and skills. Examples of these roles include: 

  • Developers: Responsible for coding and technical development. 
  • Designers: Focus on UI/UX design and the overall visual appeal. 
  • Business Analysts: Handle market research, business planning, and strategy development. 
  • Communications Specialists: Manage internal and external communication, including leading presentations and reports. 

Company - client setup

A student team consists of 6 members. Each team is paired with a client facing a technical challenge or needs a new technical solution. This setup simulates a real-world business environment, where teams must align their solutions with client expectations while adhering to certain constraints: 

  • Clear Client Vision: Each company has a predefined vision that the teams need to align with. 
  • Client Policies: Teams must adhere to specific policies set by their clients, which may include ethical guidelines, privacy policies, and operational procedures. 
  • Resource Constraints: Teams operate under strict limitations such as a set budget, fixed number of employees, and defined project timelines. 

Project Development/Solutions

Teams are given the choice to create a comprehensive business plan/model and then decide whether to: 

  • Develop a code-based solution, such as a software application or tool. 
  • Create a working prototype, which could be a functional conceptual mockup.

Key Dates

July 21st - July 27th

July 21st - July 27th​

Date Day Event Start Time End Time Location
21-Jul Sunday Kick-off: Team formation, Client assignment
Workshop: Business planning, requirement gathering
12:00 PM 3:00 PM Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre, SMU
22-Jul Monday Workshop by dal innovates – Design Thinking 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre, SMU
23-Jul Tuesday Help Session/Tech Workshop 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre, SMU
26-Jul Friday Help Session: Last min help & prep 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre, SMU
27-Jul Saturday Presentation Day 12:00 PM 4:00 PM Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre, SMU

Our Collaborators

Additional Information

Involved Personnel

Involved Personnel​

Name Role Organization Email
Sahil Chawla Senior Student Coordinator ShiftKey Labs
Emily Fenton Manager ShiftKey Labs
Reefah Shenhaz Co-Op Student Dal Innovates
Cameron Bennett Co-Op Student Dal Innovates
Issac Cook Manager Dal Innovates
Vaishali Sachdeva Co-Op Student Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre
David Campbell Co-Op Student Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre
Natasha Fernandes Manager Arthur L. Irving Entrepreneurship Centre

Why join this bootcamp?

Mentorship, Networking, Skill Development and Feedback

Working with real clients provides participants with the opportunity to build essential skills in communication, business analysis, and technical expertise. Continuous feedback from experienced clients and a supporting technical team ensures that students refine their solutions and gain invaluable insights throughout the bootcamp.

Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Technology Innovation Bootcamp is a unique opportunity for students to innovate, collaborate, and deliver impactful solutions in a competitive yet educational environment, preparing them for future professional challenges. 

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